Good Morning Family!
First thing today, Robin, Holly, and I wish to say thank you for a wonderful year of ministry together with you all. We also offer our deep gratitude for the monetary Christmas gift this year from the church family; it was very timely and appreciated!
Today, we will be looking at the theme of PEACE! This morning, we will focus our attention on The Peace Announced by the Angels. Just as joy in this world is elusive, peace may even be more difficult to grasp or experience. We all can see, firsthand, that peace IN this world is not a common theme, rather disturbances are the order of the day. There is no peace on earth as nations rise against nations, and people cannot seem to even find common ground, let alone live peaceably together. Today, we will see the peace about which the angels spoke.
I am leaving in the newsletter the entire schedule below of the Sundays of the Advent season and their associated message themes for 2024 so you can see where we are in our journey to Christmas. This is our Sunday Service before Christmas, and I do also hope you join us for the very special Candlelight Communion Service on Christmas Eve here in a few days. Then, next Sunday we will conclude our Advent services as we focus on the main event, the gift of Jesus!
First Sunday, December 1 HOPE… The Hope of the Prophets
Second Sunday, December 8 LOVE… The Love of Jesus’ Parents
Third Sunday, December 15 JOY… The Joy of the Shepherds
Fourth Sunday, December 22 PEACE… The Peace Announced by the Angels
December 24 Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion Service 6:00pm
Fifth Sunday, December 29 CHRIST… The Offering of Christ
As always, my prayer is that we would all, “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth.” II Timothy 2:15
God Bless Us… Every One!
Bro. Steven
Dr. Steven Gann
Your Shepherd of the Hills