Good Morning Family!
I hope you are ready to get back to "The Greatest Story Ever Told" this morning. It has been since the holidays, a few weeks before Thanksgiving that we were in the Gospels exclusively. In picking up the chronology as best we can, today we will begin in John chapter 11. Here, we will begin to unfold the narrative of the illness, death, and resurrection of Jesus' close friend Lazarus. It is perhaps one of the most well-known stories of the Bible.
In this section of scripture, we will find many interesting bits of detail not only about the power of Christ, but about His compassion for us and the hatred the world has for Him and for His followers. It is a fascinating passage to walk through.
Now, next Sunday night, February 9th, we will be having a church wide gathering in the Kitchen/Fellowship Hall as we host our "Souper" Bowl Fellowship. Come, and if you are able, bring a soup, a chili, sandwiches, or dessert. If you aren't a cook, then you might be able to bring a bag of chips. The church will provide beverages, paper goods, and tableware. If you cannot bring anything, then just bring yourself, there is always plenty! We will begin to gather at 5:00pm for prayer and set up for the kickoff at 5:30pm.
Next Sunday night will be a great time no matter who you are rooting for, it will be a fun night even if you are a Chargers fan. It will cheer you up! And no worries, we will have a substitute half-time show.
As always, my prayer is that we would all, “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth.” II Timothy 2:15
Your Shepherd of the Hills,
Bro. Steven
Dr. Steven Gann