From Your Pastor's Heart - February 9, 2025
February 9, 2025, 5:00 AM

Good Morning Family!

     Tonight, February 9th, we will be having our church wide gathering in the Kitchen/Fellowship Hall as we host our “Souper” Bowl Fellowship.  Come, and if you are able, bring a soup, a chili, sandwiches, or dessert (or really anything you want).  The church will provide beverages, paper goods, and tableware.  If you cannot bring anything, then just bring yourself, there is always plenty!  We will begin to gather tonight at 5:00pm for prayer and set up for the kickoff at 5:30pm.  And like I said last week, no worries, we will have a substitute half-time show.

     It is going to be tons of fun gathering, with those of you who can come, to watch the game and just hang out together this evening.  I am aware that some of you have family or company coming over to your home to enjoy the game.  I hope you have a great time of fellowship with family and friends there at home as well.

     The deadline for signing up for the Winter Banquet is in a few weeks.  We will need to have your reservation no later than Sunday, February 23rd.  If you would like to pay in advance, you can simply put your meal cost in the offering plate in an envelope marked “WINTER BANQUET DESIGNATED FUND”. It is very important that it is marked this way so we can be sure to get the funds back to the right account.  You can also certainly pay the night of the banquet when you arrive.  So, either way is good.  And remember, we want everyone to be able to come regardless of the ability to pay, so talk to Tracy or even to Robin or myself and we will get you taken care of, no problem.          

     As always, my prayer is that we would all, “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth.”   II Timothy 2:15   

Your Shepherd of the Hills,

Bro. Steven

Dr. Steven Gann