Good Morning Family!
Several who have been sick of late are beginning to be on the upswing and that is such a blessing. You all do such a wonderful job of keeping each other healthy when you yourself are down for the count or beginning to feel not well. Thinking of others first during cold and flu season is so incredibly important. You all do this well by communicating and keeping everyone informed by consciously and consistently checking on each other. Kudos!
Today is our first Quarterly Business Meeting/Potluck of the year for 2025. Today, we will get caught up on ministry news to end the year and upcoming possibilities in all of the areas of FBCCF life. It is always so encouraging, and for that I thank all of you. What a great time it always is to talk, laugh, pray, and dream together. Even if you are not an official member of FBCCF, please stay and hear what is happening. You are always welcome!
A big thank you ahead of time for our kitchen team and all who will provide some aspect of the potluck! If you were unable to bring anything today, do not let that stop you from staying. We always have plenty of food for everyone. I do sincerely hope all of you will stay around for the Business meeting/Potluck today after church services.
As always, my prayer is that we would all, “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth.” II Timothy 2:15
Your Shepherd of the Hills,
Bro. Steven
Dr. Steven Gann