Good Morning Family!
Once again, a great big thanks goes out to those who put together the potluck last week. Also, I want to thank everyone for their input in the meeting. Some great conversations about future plans and dreams were had and it is always great to hear from everyone.
I do want to give a shout out to Kenny DeWalt for putting on his Master Electrician hat and wiring the new flatscreen in the Fellowship Hall. It was wired very clean by deconstructing a wall in the resource room and coming in from behind. What a great job he did and now it is ready for use by Sunday School, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays whenever the need arises.
This is the last Sunday in January, and it is hard to believe we have one month down now in 2025. It is a little disconcerting how fast time goes by. But thankfully we serve the God of time and eternity and no moments in this life are ever really lost, as our lives will have no end. All we will do one day is pass from the natural to the spiritual and then we will be in the eternal day with our Lord.
Let’s keep all those who are still dealing with illness in our prayers. Some have been missing for a few weeks and prayerfully we will see them back very soon as they get more on their feet. This certainly has been a season of the coughs, colds, and viruses. Prayers and chicken soup are vital!
As always, my prayer is that we would all, “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth.” II Timothy 2:15
Your Shepherd of the Hills,
Bro. Steven
Dr. Steven Gann