Good Morning Family!
At 62 years old and soon to be 63 in a few months, I am never sure I can come up with another or more innovative way to begin as I write my letter for the first Sunday of the year. So, I’ll just have a go at it and see what happens…
The reality is that with each year, our ministry becomes more and more dear to my heart, as do each one of you. There are simply no words to express my gratefulness to the Lord for what He has done and continues to do here among us.
As we linked arms together, especially this past year, we have seen Him expand our horizons with several new avenues of ministry that have proven to be very fruitful as far as helping the fellowship be more focused and intentional. As we listen to the Lord in 2025, He will surely guide us as to what His plans are. If the past shows us anything, it is that what He desires to see grow and expand in effectiveness, will do so if we remain faithful to His leading.
I am so looking forward to seeing what the Lord has in mind for 2025 as we work together. We are all so blessed to be able to say that we have been a part of such a close band of brothers and sisters that truly love and care for each other and our community. The uniqueness of what the Lord has done here to form this fellowship is inescapable and undeniable. Buckle up! Here we come 2025!
As always, my prayer is that we would all, “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth.” II Timothy 2:15
Your Shepherd of the Hills,
Bro. Steven
Dr. Steven Gann