From Your Pastor's Heart - July 14, 2024
July 14, 2024, 5:00 AM

Good Morning Family!

     It is incredibly hard to believe that we are at the halfway point of summer ministry!   We have completed the Convoy of Hope Snack Bag Give-aways, we have secured the needed décor for VBS, and we are set for the Middle/High School Major Summer outing to The Great Passion Play this next Friday night in Eureka Springs.

     Our Fourth of July “First Family” Food, Fun, and Fireworks came off with over 50 in attendance and I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who helped with set up and clean up.  We want to also thank all of you who brought ice cream, desserts and sides for the spread that night.  The Bocce ball game was a great addition to the evening as well.  Thank you, Clark and Brenda for lending us your pallino! 😊  Of course, also I would like to extend a big “THANK YOU” to the Hudson Pyrotechnics Crew!  Those boys sure ended our evening with a bang!

     Our Deacon Ordination service on June 30th was very special as we welcomed Eddie Harris and Clark Pond to our team.  Thanks so much to Connie Sturgeon for the sensational punch and Sandy Stover for the wonderful cake for the reception that followed, and thanks as well to all who helped clean up.  Our new Deacon Team met this past week and in your bulletin you will find the new Deacon Family Groups.  Some of us were given a new deacon and some stayed the same as we rearranged and set up new groups to facilitate better “in-reach”.  Sometime soon, you will receive a call from your deacon to let you know they are here for you.

     This next week, we will begin decoration and set-up for transforming the church to be a fun and welcoming VBS experience for kids entering Kindergarten through 6th grade.  There are flyers available on the table in the foyer for any of you to take to neighbors who might have children in that age grouping.  Pray for a successful 2024 VBS for Tracy Hudson, our Student Ministries Director and all of the workers.

     As always, my prayer is that we would all Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth.”      II Timothy 2:15.          

Your Shepherd of the Hills,

Bro. Steven

Dr. Steven Gann