From Your Pastor's Heart - July 21, 2024
July 21, 2024, 5:00 AM

Good Morning Family!

     The stage is set.  Decorations are up and the prayers are flowing for VBS 2024…

Wonder World Fun Fest – Amazed By Our Extraordinary Savior”

     This is going to be a great week of fun and Bible Teaching.  We have a fantastic crew put together to teach Crafts, lead in Recreation, talk about Missions, lead in Worship, and teach four incredible Bible Lessons that demonstrate the amazing love, authority and grace of Jesus!

     In addition to that, our Kitchen Crew will be offering up some yummy meals every evening that are reminiscent of circus carnival foods.  Our decorators were also so busy this past week setting up the church to create the theme for our first traditional VBS since 2019. 

     In that interim period, we have had more of a student retreat or conference type of event each year with all the students together.  But this year we broke them into K through 6th grade and 7th through 12th grade for events designed especially for each group.   The older students are attending The Great Passion Play as well as two separate Bible teaching times to be held there in the Holy Land Experience at Eureka Springs.  By the time you are reading this, that event will have taken place.  We had eleven students attend that as well as our adult teachers and some other of our adults that wished to go along.

     Obviously, you will see that our sanctuary has been transformed for the young people who will attend VBS this next week.  The sanctuary looks very different than what we are used to seeing.  So as you worship today, let it serve as a call to prayer all morning for those kiddos who be ministered to this week in our VBS.  It is always an exciting time for kids and the leaders and so let’s pray that the kids who come will truly be “Amazed by Our Extraordinary Savior”.  Pray that the Holy Spirit would touch the kids’ hearts and they would turn to Jesus!

     As always, my prayer is that we would all Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth.”      II Timothy 2:15.          

Your Shepherd of the Hills,

Bro. Steven

Dr. Steven Gann