From Your Pastor's Heart - June 2, 2024
June 2, 2024, 5:00 AM

Good Morning Family!

     I realize summer does not start, astronomically speaking, until June 21.  But summer is here for FBCCF.  This coming Wednesday June 5, we will have our End of the School Year Cape Crusader Swimming Party at the beach out at the campground.  That is always a fun night with the kids as summer activities begin.

     Then, later this month on the last Sunday June 30th, we will have a very full day.  In the morning service, we will share together in a time of bringing on two men selected to be deacons.  Eddie Harris and Clark Pond have been working closely with our Deacon Team to be ready to become an active part of the front line of primary care for the church body.  I am excited to have these two men agree to become a part of an already great group of men who love and care for the “First” family.  A short reception for Clark and Brenda and Eddie and Christina will follow in the Fellowship Hall that morning.  Everyone will have permission to have dessert first that day before going out or home for lunch!  Then, we’ll gather back again that night around 7pm for fireworks and food.  Big day in store!

     This coming Tuesday is our “First Tuesday” Adult Bible Fellowship.  We start at 6:30 and try to wrap up by 7:30 and it is always a great time of fellowship, prayer, and the Word.  Each month’s subject matter stands alone, so you can jump in and attend anytime!

     Lastly, as you may have heard we are doing a traditional Vacation Bible School this year and the dates are Monday, July 22 thru Thursday July 25.  We will need help with crafts, kitchen, games, and just wrangling in general.  It will be every evening from approximately 5-8pm.  See Tracy or Robin soon, if you would like to help.

     As always, my prayer is that we would all Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth.”      II Timothy 2:15.          

Your Shepherd of the Hills,

Bro. Steven

Dr. Steven Gann