From Your Pastor's Heart - September 15, 2024
September 15, 2024, 5:00 AM

Good Morning Family!

     Robin, Holly and I want to thank all of you for the prayers, concern, love, and meals this past week after Robin’s surgery.  Your outpouring of love and acts of kindness have been very appreciated.  As her recovery progresses, we are trusting the Lord that her eyesight will return to a level that will allow her to resume reading music and playing just as much as before the macular hole.

     I am grateful for others standing in the gap today as I am home with Robin as she is under very strict orders to keep herself face down for the days following surgery to ensure the affected parts of the eye stay in place to heal properly.  I so appreciate our team there on the platform taking over our duties in the worship and prayer time this morning and am certain you will all be blessed to hear Bro. Dale bring the message today.  It is very comforting to know we have several there that we can depend upon to preach the Word faithfully within our church family.  Thank you so much, Bro. Dale for taking care of the family this morning.

     Once again the next main event coming up is the Ladies Fall Retreat themed, “God is in Your Story”.  Our main speaker, Tarah Trautmann Spratt, comes with such a story to share of God’s faithfulness and presence in the life of her family.  Also sharing in time of testimony will be Lori Munhollon and Christina Harris.  Be praying for Tarah and all the ladies who will be leading in worship and testimony during the retreat on September 28th.  I am thankful for our men who have stepped up to handle serving and clean up for the ladies during the retreat.  It’s going to be a great day and the first of many Fall Retreats to come.

     As always, my prayer is that we would all Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth.”      II Timothy 2:15.          

Your Shepherd of the Hills,

Bro. Steven

Dr. Steven Gann