From Your Pastor's Heart - September 8, 2024
September 8, 2024, 5:00 AM

Good Morning Family!

     What a great time we had at our last Tuesday 1:3 this past week.  We looked at John 9 and the healing of the man born blind.  Some great conversation around the Word and wonderful fellowship was had by all.  Although we did not quite finish the narrative, I came away with some really great insights from those in attendance.  And the breakfast spread that was prepared that night by a few of the ladies, was fantastic!  I simply cannot tell you how much I am enjoying those special Tuesday nights around the Word with friends.

     Today, as far as I know right now, will be the conclusion of the “Be Thou My Vision” series.  I intend, Lord willing to begin back again on September 15 in our series, “The Greatest Story Ever Told”.  Interestingly enough, I checked on where we left off and we left off in John 9 right where we were on last Tuesday night.  We had to stop short of the whole story on Tuesday, but I promise we will get to the end of the story in the sermon series.

     We are in the home stretch of the lead up to our Fall Ladies Retreat, “God is in Your Story”.  The Lord clearly laid this idea on the heart of several of our dear women and He has confirmed it with so many signed up to attend and His clear blessing on everything surrounding it.  We have close to 40 signed up already and I am privy to the seeing all of the work going into this and it is going to be a very meaningful and fruitful time for those who will be there.  Our main speaker, Tarah Trautmann Spratt, comes with such a story to share of God’s faithfulness and presence.  Also sharing in time of testimony will be Lori Munhollon and Christina Harris.  Be praying for Tarah and all the ladies who will be leading in worship and testimony during the retreat on September 28.

     As always, my prayer is that we would all Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth.”      II Timothy 2:15.          

Your Shepherd of the Hills,

Bro. Steven

Dr. Steven Gann